| Description | solved | Rating
| 007 Killer by Richard (solved on 7. April 2012, 13:20) | 108 | 95 %
| Twin Killer Sudoku V by Richard (solved on 6. April 2012, 11:27) | 71 | 94 %
| Renban-Kakuro 1-10 by julius64 (solved on 26. March 2012, 07:17) | 88 | 94 %
| Februar Prim-Monat (5): Prim Killer mal anders by Richard (solved on 18. March 2012, 13:31) | 83 | 91 %
| Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 17. March 2012, 10:36) | 102 | 94 %
| Killer sudoku 2011 - 2012 by Richard (solved on 16. March 2012, 13:25) | 76 | 93 %
| Arithmetic Mean Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 15. March 2012, 16:13) | 93 | 75 %
| Kleine Sommerüberraschung, Teil 7: Würfelpunkte by berni (solved on 15. March 2012, 16:10) | 66 | 88 %
| Argyle-Windoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 15. March 2012, 16:09) | 65 | 80 %
| Zwilling: Chaos Killer Sudoku by Richard (solved on 7. March 2012, 19:20) | 98 | 94 %
| Kropki Kakuro Total by Luigi (solved on 11. January 2012, 07:02) | 122 | 90 %
| Twin Killer IV (A) by Richard (solved on 10. January 2012, 07:13) | 118 | 93 %
| Back to Basics: Killer sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 21. December 2011, 20:15) | 123 | 91 %
| Zodiac-Killer III : Gemini by Eisbär (solved on 14. December 2011, 19:02) | 99 | 92 %
| Randsummen Jigsaw by Richard (solved on 14. December 2011, 19:01) | 98 | 89 %
| Japanese Sums and Battleships by yureklis (solved on 13. December 2011, 19:24) | 118 | 93 %
| Killer Sudoku mit zwei by Richard (solved on 13. December 2011, 19:22) | 112 | 91 %
| Hochhäuser mit Gebietssumme I by Richard (solved on 4. December 2011, 19:24) | 198 | 89 %
| Hochhäuser mit Gebietssumme II by Richard (solved on 4. December 2011, 19:24) | 298 | 92 %
| Minimax sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. November 2011, 10:18) | 121 | 91 %