| Description | solved | Rating
| Japanische Krypto-Summen 1-8 by ibag (solved on 9. February 2014, 10:13) | 79 | 97 %
| Japanische Krypto-Summen-Trilogie (1) by ibag (solved on 19. January 2014, 10:02) | 85 | 93 %
| Japanische Koralle by ibag (solved on 15. March 2013, 17:22) | 92 | 98 %
| Diagonal Sudoku with 20&12 by zhergan (solved on 23. January 2013, 12:32) | 63 | 90 %
| Februar Prim-Monat (3) - Prim Killer (B) by Richard (solved on 22. January 2013, 09:46) | 60 | 92 %
| Februar Prim-Monat (2) - Prim Killer (A) by Richard (solved on 20. January 2013, 11:51) | 83 | 94 %
| Twin Killer II by Richard (solved on 19. January 2013, 11:18) | 142 | 95 %
| Japanische Doppelstern-Summen (Krypto) by ibag (solved on 16. January 2013, 08:08) | 80 | 96 %
| Addierter Neuner im Doppelpack II by Richard (solved on 14. January 2013, 13:20) | 80 | 96 %
| Jubiläumsrätsel - 1 Jahr Rätselportal by Richard (solved on 12. January 2013, 13:18) | 112 | 96 %
| Kleiner Little Irregular Killer 2 by Richard (solved on 20. October 2012, 19:20) | 88 | 90 %
| X-Sums Sudoku II by Richard (solved on 23. August 2012, 18:52) | 102 | 92 %
| Ein netter leichter Kryptokiller by ibag (solved on 21. July 2012, 10:00) | 67 | 95 %
| Psycho Killer (2) by yureklis (solved on 1. June 2012, 07:17) | 116 | 86 %
| Klein aber Fein: Chaos Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 10. May 2012, 19:54) | 143 | 90 %
| Doppelvampir by Micha (solved on 10. May 2012, 18:19) | 92 | 89 %
| Hybrid Sudoku with Renban Groups (Anti-Knight, Non-Consecutive, Non-Touching) by zhergan (solved on 6. May 2012, 19:17) | 78 | 88 %
| Knapp daneben - Gebietssummen by uvo (solved on 22. April 2012, 12:27) | 139 | 92 %
| Distanz Pfeil Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. April 2012, 10:18) | 102 | 91 %
| Variable Randsummen Sudoku by Richard (solved on 7. April 2012, 16:04) | 87 | 95 %