| Description | solved | Rating
| Killeriana: Blinder Killer II by Pyrrhon (solved on 10. December 2017, 17:29) | 101 | 93 %
| Killeriana: Killer III by Pyrrhon (solved on 10. December 2017, 16:52) | 91 | 87 %
| Killeriana: Ungleichungskiller by Pyrrhon (solved on 10. December 2017, 11:16) | 89 | 96 %
| 2010 - 2011 Überlappungssudoku 007 by Richard (solved on 26. October 2017, 13:43) | 73 | 95 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (185) - Sudokuro by Richard (solved on 27. September 2017, 17:04) | 111 | 93 %
| Zodiac-Killer XI : Aquarius by Eisbär (solved on 27. September 2017, 13:35) | 71 | 92 %
| Jubiläumsrätsel - 3 Jahre Rätselportal by Richard (solved on 27. September 2017, 09:08) | 92 | 94 %
| Das kleine Kypto-ABC-tje des kleinen Außerirdischen by ibag (solved on 18. September 2017, 18:05) | 53 | 87 %
| Japanische Sudukte by Menxar (solved on 17. September 2017, 15:00) | 56 | 97 %
| Hurra für Luigi! by Richard (solved on 30. August 2017, 19:19) | 87 | 95 %
| Tripelblock by ibag (solved on 28. August 2017, 17:14) | 67 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (100) - Irregular Twin by Richard (solved on 1. August 2017, 15:40) | 128 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (009) - Next to nine Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. June 2017, 18:01) | 356 | 91 %
| BoS-Leftover (4) - Odd/Even Skyscraper Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. June 2017, 17:58) | 120 | 92 %
| Double Skyscrapers 2 by rimodech (solved on 26. June 2017, 17:55) | 110 | 90 %
| London Leftover - 2014 Killer Sudoku by Richard (solved on 26. June 2017, 17:54) | 150 | 90 %
| Wichtel 2013 (1): Kakuro knapp daneben by wichtel (solved on 13. May 2017, 08:23) | 69 | 92 %
| Chain Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 12. May 2017, 17:52) | 56 | 86 %
| Back to Basics: Killer Sudoku (B) by Richard (solved on 19. March 2017, 13:40) | 99 | 92 %
| Guten Rutsch by Luigi (solved on 18. March 2017, 08:20) | 67 | 95 %