| Description | solved | Rating
 | Dutch Flat Mates (Skyscrapers) by goodcity (solved on 21. February 2024, 07:20) | 112 |  95 %
 | Snowman by goodcity (solved on 20. February 2024, 22:22) | 102 |  92 %
 | Minor Pieces by gdc (solved on 18. February 2024, 14:31) | 133 |  96 %
 | Knightmark by Ratfinkz (solved on 18. February 2024, 00:18) | 182 |  90 %
 | Dutch Flat Mates (Nabner) by goodcity (solved on 16. February 2024, 23:37) | 81 |  90 %
 | Diamonds by goodcity (solved on 16. February 2024, 22:22) | 83 |  94 %
 | Equality Cages 125 x Shifter Lines 111: Valentine by gUBBLOR (solved on 16. February 2024, 13:10) | 116 |  91 %
 | Dutch Flat Mates (Renban) by goodcity (solved on 14. February 2024, 22:53) | 145 |  92 %
 | I got the power by goodcity (solved on 13. February 2024, 04:34) | 66 |  93 %
 | Shifter Lines 105: Phistomefel? Who's that?! by gUBBLOR (solved on 12. February 2024, 10:22) | 275 |  92 %
 | 159 Miracle by jwsinclair (solved on 10. February 2024, 22:49) | 347 |  94 %
 | Harbor by Bert (solved on 10. February 2024, 22:02) | 38 |  90 %
 | 5's live in Foggy Flats (FOW) by antiknight (solved on 9. February 2024, 13:24) | 350 |  94 %
 | Pinwheel by EPH (solved on 7. February 2024, 23:48) | 124 |  94 %
 | Reliably unreliable (7x7 Rellik Sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 6. February 2024, 22:35) | 169 |  97 %
 | The Gallery by riffclown (solved on 5. February 2024, 20:29) | 68 |  93 %
 | Century by jwsinclair (solved on 5. February 2024, 14:28) | 282 |  94 %
 | All the Dots are Brown (and the Fog is Gray) by gdc (solved on 5. February 2024, 11:44) | 386 |  92 %
 | Focal Point by Will Power (solved on 1. February 2024, 02:43) | 195 |  91 %
 | Harvest Lumber by rockratzero (solved on 31. January 2024, 09:04) | 75 |  95 %