| Description | solved | Rating
 | June Pentomino Month (4) - Increasing Pentomino Sudoku by Richard (solved on 30. June 2013, 17:41) | 53 |  90 %
 | Hochhausblöcke toroidal (5x5-Viertel) by CHalb (solved on 29. June 2013, 10:31) | 57 |  93 %
 | Verschlüsselte Summen (1) by BFaw (solved on 28. June 2013, 08:44) | 50 |  79 %
 | Minisummen 2 by uvo (solved on 26. June 2013, 14:59) | 172 |  84 %
 | Sudoku auf Kleinscher Flasche by Realshaggy (solved on 24. June 2013, 20:22) | 98 |  85 %
 | Shadow of 9 Sudoku by Realshaggy (solved on 19. June 2013, 11:23) | 124 |  83 %
 | Familienfreizeit 2013: Pentominozerlegung by CHalb (solved on 18. June 2013, 17:15) | 64 |  70 %
 | Berni the Brein (Krypto-Hochhausblöcke) by CHalb (solved on 18. June 2013, 10:54) | 73 |  94 %
 | June Pentomino Month (2) - White Pentominos by Richard (solved on 14. June 2013, 18:16) | 110 |  88 %
 | June Pentomino Month (1) - Pentomino Yajilin by Richard (solved on 10. June 2013, 09:19) | 86 |  96 %
 | Familienfreizeit 2013: Koralle mit Füßen und Zehen by CHalb (solved on 6. June 2013, 09:50) | 102 |  87 %
 | Familienfreizeit 2013: Krypto-Rundweg mit Silas by CHalb (solved on 6. June 2013, 00:21) | 113 |  78 %
 | Wichtelkalender 2013 - Juni by Mody (solved on 2. June 2013, 10:56) | 77 |  94 %
 | Renban Kakuro "L" by julius64 (solved on 1. June 2013, 10:10) | 67 |  88 %
 | Buchstäbliche Vererbung by MiR (solved on 28. May 2013, 10:59) | 36 |  76 %
 | 007 Kakuro by julius64 (solved on 27. May 2013, 09:47) | 66 |  90 %
 | May XL-Month (4) - Battleships Masyu by Richard (solved on 27. May 2013, 00:10) | 68 |  91 %
 | Chaos Kakuro by julius64 (solved on 26. May 2013, 16:49) | 86 |  85 %
 | 009 Kakuro by julius64 (solved on 26. May 2013, 12:22) | 69 |  96 %
 | Sudokubus 2x2x2 by adam001 (solved on 20. May 2013, 15:03) | 111 |  70 %