| Description | solved | Rating
| VorteX by Scojo (solved on 26. May 2023, 11:43) | 216 | 88 %
| You Have the First Say(ori) by 99%Sneaky (solved on 25. May 2023, 10:51) | 120 | 84 %
| String Theory by Will Power (solved on 5. April 2023, 10:39) | 353 | 85 %
| Wang Wang! (SudoCruise Bonus 1) by SSG (solved on 5. April 2023, 08:25) | 333 | 92 %
| 5 by dennischen (solved on 3. April 2023, 11:04) | 219 | 92 %
| Irish Dots III by Tingo (solved on 29. March 2023, 10:55) | 133 | 89 %
| Threes by Blobz (solved on 28. March 2023, 10:52) | 172 | 91 %
| Go with the Flow by Arlo Lipof (solved on 28. March 2023, 09:24) | 96 | 89 %
| Directions in the Dark by rockratzero (solved on 27. March 2023, 09:20) | 350 | 87 %
| Always the Minimum by EricRathbun (solved on 24. March 2023, 11:18) | 327 | 95 %
| Clone Lines / Linien Klonen by Ryx (solved on 24. March 2023, 09:13) | 355 | 90 %
| Interaction (Arrow) by dumediat (solved on 24. March 2023, 08:54) | 541 | 90 %
| Cosmic Intruders by ViKingPrime (solved on 22. March 2023, 07:18) | 632 | 93 %
| Nautilus (Entropic lines, XV, Kropki pairs) by Bellsita (solved on 21. March 2023, 07:47) | 744 | 94 %
| Box Twist by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 17. March 2023, 09:42) | 590 | 90 %
| Horseshoe Crab by Will Power (solved on 16. March 2023, 15:49) | 401 | 91 %
| I'm open for title suggestions by Goofy (solved on 16. March 2023, 09:41) | 331 | 89 %
| 22/7 Killer Clone by BenTen (solved on 15. March 2023, 14:44) | 295 | 92 %
| Minion with Headphones by Will Power (solved on 10. March 2023, 15:40) | 408 | 91 %
| 1-6 X-Sum by degustaf (solved on 8. March 2023, 15:49) | 240 | 88 %