| Description | solved | Rating
| Liar Spiral by Niverio (solved on 30. May 2022, 21:36) | 67 | 97 %
| One Loose Thread by mormagli (solved on 25. May 2022, 10:23) | 18 | 88 %
| Knighttime / Zeitsprung by Auul (solved on 10. April 2022, 00:53) | 147 | 92 %
| Atom by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 4. April 2022, 08:21) | 192 | 94 %
| Neandertal-Tapa 1 by JonaS2010 (solved on 6. March 2022, 21:28) | 195 | 91 %
| More Hidden Arrows by manushand (solved on 6. March 2022, 21:20) | 105 | 92 %
| DSM Qualitraining 2022: Treppen-Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 29. January 2022, 06:48) | 340 | 89 %
| Hybridsudoku: Winterurlaub in Südtirol by glum_hippo (solved on 10. December 2021, 06:43) | 20 | 94 %
| March of the Spiders by Niverio (solved on 18. November 2021, 12:06) | 74 | 94 %
| King Gambit by DiMono (solved on 30. October 2021, 06:57) | 98 | 97 %
| Aquaman by djorr (solved on 26. October 2021, 08:55) | 73 | 86 %
| Phoenix Knights by apiyo (solved on 1. October 2021, 23:28) | 136 | 97 %
| Circling the Drain by KuulGryphun (solved on 23. September 2021, 16:13) | 19 | 91 %
| 12x12 Yajilin / Skyscrapers by stefliew (solved on 19. July 2021, 02:23) | 27 | 94 %
| Steinitz Sudoku #5 (Chess) by stefliew (solved on 19. July 2021, 00:27) | 10 | N/A
| Standard Shimaguni (Islands) by stefliew (solved on 18. July 2021, 23:23) | 34 | 82 %
| 8x8 Irregular Knight's Tour by stefliew (solved on 18. July 2021, 22:59) | 21 | 84 %
| Statue Park (Twilight) by stefliew (solved on 18. July 2021, 21:26) | 30 | 92 %
| Windmill by Aidan488 (solved on 11. July 2021, 05:21) | 10 | N/A
| Ambiguous Puzzles - Hex Masyu 1 by stefliew (solved on 2. July 2021, 14:37) | 45 | 97 %