| Description | solved | Rating
| Kropkiflotte auf hoher See I by Luigi (solved on 29. December 2021, 13:27) | 36 | 90 %
| Chaos Fillomino- Highest position by Mark Sweep (solved on 25. December 2021, 14:03) | 64 | 98 %
| Japanische U-Bahn, kleine Version by Zzzyxas (solved on 18. December 2021, 13:34) | 127 | 90 %
| Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Doppelblock by rob (solved on 18. December 2021, 13:06) | 114 | 90 %
| Superfuzzy Arrows by Realshaggy (solved on 18. December 2021, 12:43) | 109 | 98 %
| The Graveyard Of Ideas by fjam (solved on 17. December 2021, 19:43) | 175 | 98 %
| Symmetry? by Nahileon (solved on 10. November 2021, 14:45) | 199 | 97 %
| Quali 2017 - Leftover: U-Bahn by ibag (solved on 15. October 2021, 20:53) | 47 | 97 %
| Japanische Hochhaus-Summen (Mini-Krypto) by ibag (solved on 14. October 2021, 21:21) | 54 | 98 %
| Japanische Summen mit Querverweisen by ibag (solved on 14. October 2021, 14:56) | 70 | 98 %
| Tapa-Berührungsrundweg by usp (solved on 14. October 2021, 12:16) | 64 | 98 %
| Japanische Summen gerade - ungerade by ibag (solved on 13. October 2021, 22:01) | 82 | 99 %
| Six-pack Linked Sudokus #8 by Genomico (solved on 13. October 2021, 16:24) | 40 | 99 %
| Six-pack Linked Sudokus #7 by Genomico (solved on 12. October 2021, 22:33) | 62 | 98 %
| Chaos Fillomino - Midloop-ish by Mark Sweep (solved on 12. October 2021, 19:49) | 45 | 97 %
| VXL Sandwiches by RockyRoer (solved on 12. October 2021, 18:09) | 33 | 97 %
| Wichtelkalender 2014 - Juli by ibag (solved on 12. October 2021, 15:35) | 57 | 98 %
| Slingshot Sudoku - Invisible Killers by stephane.bura (solved on 11. October 2021, 20:12) | 27 | 98 %
| Pentominominous by emmettcito (solved on 8. October 2021, 17:52) | 21 | 99 %
| Godzilla in Sudokutown by FryTheGuy (solved on 7. October 2021, 15:37) | 55 | 98 %