| Description | solved | Rating
 | All Roads Eventually by ndsurgenor (solved on 5. July 2024, 13:11) | 197 |  90 %
 | 258 Kropki Sudoku #1 by Toomas_ (solved on 5. July 2024, 06:37) | 76 |  96 %
 | Prime Cages by Apricot (solved on 5. July 2024, 01:03) | 170 |  72 %
 | Killer Knight by Apricot (solved on 5. July 2024, 00:55) | 177 |  79 %
 | Cocktail Bubbles by wuc (solved on 5. July 2024, 00:34) | 257 |  93 %
 | Caged Connections by brainteaserartisan (solved on 4. July 2024, 02:14) | 321 |  91 %
 | Divine flower by fractalminding (solved on 3. July 2024, 02:48) | 179 |  92 %
 | The Wrogn Core by wuc (solved on 2. July 2024, 06:29) | 235 |  92 %
 | Counting Primes by antiknight (solved on 2. July 2024, 04:17) | 50 |  89 %
 | *XV* by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 21:38) | 176 |  95 %
 | +XV- by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 20:34) | 206 |  95 %
 | XV*Cage by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 19:30) | 181 |  96 %
 | *XV- by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 18:11) | 238 |  96 %
 | 5*XV*10 by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 15:45) | 154 |  94 %
 | *XV- 2 by NurglesGift (solved on 1. July 2024, 05:45) | 139 |  95 %
 | Casting About in the Dark by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 1. July 2024, 02:00) | 411 |  93 %
 | Pointing Thermos by arbitrary (solved on 1. July 2024, 01:35) | 466 |  94 %
 | Rotary by jsmirob (solved on 30. June 2024, 15:46) | 252 |  94 %
 | Training Montage by Mittag (solved on 30. June 2024, 14:47) | 189 |  94 %
 | Periscope by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 30. June 2024, 12:44) | 135 |  92 %