| Description | solved | Rating
| Rays of Light by SudokuExplorer (solved on 5. May 2021, 04:40) | 88 | 93 %
| Disjointed dots by PetLov (solved on 4. May 2021, 03:10) | 4 | N/A
| Pseudo-coup by PulverizingPancake (solved on 4. May 2021, 01:03) | 66 | 95 %
| Spoons (Thermo Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 1. May 2021, 04:28) | 229 | 95 %
| CTC With Love by freddiecunningham (solved on 30. April 2021, 18:57) | 29 | 86 %
| Gabe Ruth hits a homerun by SirWoezel (solved on 29. April 2021, 06:56) | 24 | 96 %
| Trigonometry (Killer Sudoku) by emmettcito (solved on 28. April 2021, 06:42) | 27 | 99 %
| The Battle of Bent Arrow / Die Schlacht des gebogenen Pfeils by Ryx (solved on 28. April 2021, 00:32) | 33 | 80 %
| Colored dot sums by PetLov (solved on 27. April 2021, 04:15) | 68 | 94 %
| Bahamas by Qodec (solved on 26. April 2021, 05:56) | 112 | 97 %
| 5K 5T by Joseph nehme (solved on 24. April 2021, 20:44) | 54 | 97 %
| Moles! (Thermo Killer Sudoku) by Phistomefel (solved on 22. April 2021, 05:01) | 171 | 98 %
| 33 magnificent dots by PetLov (solved on 20. April 2021, 05:06) | 35 | 99 %
| THOR by Florian Wortmann (solved on 19. April 2021, 18:59) | 30 | 87 %
| Bleu Blanc Dot by PetLov (solved on 16. April 2021, 04:28) | 19 | 93 %
| Dottie, dottie, dottie... by PetLov (solved on 14. April 2021, 06:28) | 38 | 86 %
| Plant Pot by GJMale (solved on 13. April 2021, 03:53) | 50 | 83 %
| Apollo's arrow by Joseph nehme (solved on 12. April 2021, 05:18) | 73 | 88 %
| No knights were killed in setting by PetLov (solved on 10. April 2021, 01:12) | 29 | 86 %
| Invisible Cages by Big Tiger (solved on 9. April 2021, 05:14) | 26 | 100 %