| Description | solved | Rating
| siX fiVe fOur by ndsurgenor (solved on 4. April 2022, 13:16) | 204 | 92 %
| Scrambled X (Eggs) by Will Power (solved on 30. March 2022, 15:00) | 96 | 89 %
| Dancing Robot / Tanzender Roboter by PDN777 (solved on 29. March 2022, 16:41) | 188 | 92 %
| The Last Dance by wildhound007 (solved on 18. March 2022, 10:23) | 153 | 92 %
| Map of Germany Area by Will Power (solved on 8. March 2022, 15:37) | 152 | 92 %
| German Archer by rät (solved on 21. February 2022, 15:47) | 144 | 91 %
| Dalí (Number By Paint #7) by manushand (solved on 17. February 2022, 20:53) | 50 | 95 %
| We Are All Equal (Equalines) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 15. February 2022, 17:13) | 44 | 96 %
| Dead Space (Entropy Killer) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 11. February 2022, 19:17) | 104 | 95 %
| Thermo variant #29: Hermomete by djorr (solved on 11. February 2022, 11:25) | 91 | 90 %
| Entropki by Mad-Tyas (solved on 9. February 2022, 02:49) | 155 | 94 %
| Boxes with 9 by FlowJo (solved on 31. January 2022, 18:46) | 118 | 90 %
| Erosion by riffclown (solved on 31. January 2022, 14:46) | 80 | 94 %
| Pink Pineapple (Renban XV) by purpl (solved on 15. January 2022, 12:19) | 110 | 92 %
| Quick Sums by nickp10 (solved on 18. December 2021, 19:28) | 125 | 90 %
| C To Ti by Joseph nehme (solved on 18. December 2021, 14:18) | 147 | 92 %
| Royal Cutlery (anti-king thermometer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (solved on 17. December 2021, 10:36) | 118 | 94 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (350) - David and Goliath Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. December 2021, 22:51) | 165 | 93 %
| In The Lab by Bremster (solved on 16. October 2021, 14:53) | 170 | 91 %
| Hovercar by Xailran (solved on 2. October 2021, 13:56) | 101 | 88 %