| Description | solved | Rating
| Japanese Products Sudoku by RockyRoer (solved on 6. November 2023, 17:49) | 42 | 96 %
| Pentominous Sum Lines by Xendari (solved on 5. November 2023, 18:47) | 59 | 97 %
| A ∩ B = ϕ by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 4. November 2023, 19:08) | 24 | 88 %
| Entropy Fish by Ridhwan (solved on 4. November 2023, 15:02) | 66 | 96 %
| Summarily Different by Fenrir7 (solved on 2. November 2023, 07:43) | 27 | 89 %
| The Big Zipper by marty_sears (solved on 2. November 2023, 07:04) | 122 | 95 %
| XY-Differences VIII, "Annular Ring" by glum_hippo (solved on 31. October 2023, 22:45) | 32 | 89 %
| Inequalities by Ennead (solved on 31. October 2023, 15:58) | 15 | 98 %
| Mut zur Lücke! by Wuschel (solved on 29. October 2023, 19:21) | 65 | 98 %
| Thermoconstrictor by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 28. October 2023, 14:47) | 61 | 95 %
| Polysemic Opposition by DadJokes (solved on 27. October 2023, 19:10) | 19 | 88 %
| Donuts by Die Hard (solved on 26. October 2023, 09:36) | 24 | 100 %
| Säntis (collab with ICHTUES) by Florian Wortmann (solved on 25. October 2023, 22:10) | 119 | 96 %
| Jigsaw Sewing by dodomos (solved on 25. October 2023, 15:29) | 25 | 85 %
| Five Arrows (Entropy) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 24. October 2023, 14:48) | 59 | 93 %
| Chillicothe by glum_hippo (solved on 23. October 2023, 14:08) | 44 | 95 %
| Empty Circles by Qodec (solved on 22. October 2023, 19:47) | 75 | 95 %
| Same Difference by marty_sears (solved on 22. October 2023, 16:45) | 81 | 97 %
| Stroopwafel by pieguy (solved on 20. October 2023, 16:40) | 25 | 92 %
| Mystery Box by Jolly Rogers (solved on 19. October 2023, 08:03) | 65 | 97 %