| Description | solved | Rating
 | Pirates' Whisper by sujoyku (solved on 27. August 2023, 07:43) | 165 |  89 %
 | Whispers all around (Irregular 7x7 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 22. August 2023, 07:38) | 260 |  94 %
 | Sailing with the pirates by sujoyku (solved on 17. August 2023, 20:32) | 261 |  87 %
 | XV-constraint Sudoku Snack (Irregular 7x7 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 2. August 2023, 08:32) | 353 |  90 %
 | Whisper Sudoku Snack by sujoyku (solved on 31. July 2023, 23:47) | 125 |  87 %
 | Palindrome Sudoku Snack by sujoyku (solved on 31. July 2023, 17:34) | 134 |  86 %
 | Drawing parallels (Irregular 7x7 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 30. July 2023, 21:44) | 214 |  95 %
 | Never two apart by sujoyku (solved on 16. July 2023, 22:14) | 244 |  85 %
 | Mitochondria by Scojo (solved on 15. July 2023, 15:44) | 979 |  90 %
 | Two Thermo Snack by Die Hard (solved on 2. July 2023, 08:06) | 296 |  90 %
 | 1:59 A.M. Into the Woods (Fog of War) by Ridhwan (solved on 2. July 2023, 07:51) | 401 |  92 %
 | A Jumbled Mess by Dr Logic (solved on 28. June 2023, 08:58) | 178 |  78 %
 | Kropkikabe Jr. by MmeMagique (solved on 27. June 2023, 17:43) | 105 |  96 %
 | QuadKiller by DJV (solved on 1. January 2023, 22:41) | 291 |  86 %
 | The Knight That Sees Spots by Tingo (solved on 30. December 2022, 09:31) | 116 |  80 %
 | Target by EPH (solved on 25. December 2022, 19:02) | 163 |  83 %
 | Messy Little Bastard by Renjestoo (solved on 24. December 2022, 21:30) | 40 |  74 %
 | 8x8 Switchboard by Renjestoo (solved on 19. December 2022, 19:05) | 76 |  82 %
 | The Romans with their thermos by Renjestoo (solved on 19. December 2022, 13:30) | 150 |  78 %
 | Car! by Elisabeth (solved on 19. December 2022, 12:15) | 291 |  73 %