| Description | solved | Rating
| Simple addition sudoku by KevinCelis (solved on 19. April 2022, 16:28) | 89 | 88 %
| Pivot on 5 by Blobz (solved on 19. April 2022, 06:19) | 202 | 87 %
| Arrow Sudoku by KNT (solved on 18. April 2022, 06:05) | 93 | 96 %
| Chaos Construction for Dummies by cfop (solved on 17. April 2022, 15:28) | 205 | 81 %
| Whirlygig (Renban Whisper) by tallcat (solved on 16. April 2022, 21:05) | 89 | 97 %
| Dania...? by antiknight (solved on 16. April 2022, 20:27) | 124 | 92 %
| Attraction by Joseph nehme (solved on 16. April 2022, 20:17) | 97 | 97 %
| Direction (Unique Arrow Sudoku) by purpl (solved on 15. April 2022, 05:52) | 73 | 96 %
| Corner Ratios by EricRathbun (solved on 14. April 2022, 22:47) | 113 | 88 %
| BINGO! AKA The Colors of Magic by Wuschel (solved on 12. April 2022, 16:32) | 198 | 82 %
| Almost by Joseph nehme (solved on 10. April 2022, 14:01) | 158 | 96 %
| Just for Fun by Johan Ribberink (solved on 10. April 2022, 12:26) | 131 | 88 %
| Knighttime / Zeitsprung by Auul (solved on 10. April 2022, 12:15) | 147 | 92 %
| Chaos Construction: X-Sums by KNT (solved on 10. April 2022, 12:07) | 125 | 96 %
| A Knight's Picnic by troptot (solved on 10. April 2022, 11:26) | 108 | 82 %
| Anti-knight Thermos by Jeet Sampat (solved on 6. April 2022, 15:02) | 102 | 94 %
| Stranger Kings by mith (solved on 5. April 2022, 16:55) | 120 | 91 %
| Renban maelstrom by rmahus (solved on 5. April 2022, 16:00) | 123 | 91 %
| Applesauce by grkles (solved on 4. April 2022, 21:38) | 36 | 98 %
| Small polygons (6*6) (Sudoku-20) by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 4. April 2022, 21:20) | 36 | 86 %