| Description | solved | Rating
| Graffity by Le Ahcim (solved on 12. March 2021, 13:10) | 79 | 72 %
| Der Xasyu-PLaN by hopppe (solved on 12. March 2021, 12:11) | 99 | 72 %
| Atlantis-Nurikabe by Pingu (solved on 12. March 2021, 10:36) | 116 | 76 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP80):Akari007 by cdwg2000 (solved on 12. March 2021, 09:27) | 101 | 75 %
| Puzzleschlacht: Battleships by Pyrrhon (solved on 11. March 2021, 18:49) | 214 | 70 %
| D.urban by hopppe (solved on 11. March 2021, 11:12) | 25 | 64 %
| Hashi mal ganz anders by hopppe (solved on 11. March 2021, 11:06) | 124 | 48 %
| Resonance Sudoku-separated but the same heart by bigger (solved on 11. March 2021, 10:57) | 49 | 89 %
| Twin Killer Sudoku III by Richard (solved on 11. March 2021, 09:49) | 83 | 93 %
| Elementary, my dear Watson by uvo (solved on 10. March 2021, 17:18) | 67 | 91 %
| Schachbrett-Wanderung by uvo (solved on 10. March 2021, 11:54) | 18 | 89 %
| 24 Rätsel in 24 Stunden (Teil 21) - Neighbours by Zzzyxas (solved on 10. March 2021, 10:58) | 33 | 61 %
| Eine runde Sache by Luigi (solved on 9. March 2021, 23:44) | 99 | 74 %
| Later, she knows, there'll be screaming and blood and tentacles bursting through the floor, but for now things are calm by Thorsby (solved on 9. March 2021, 21:24) | 5 | N/A
| Killer Sudoku II (WSC 2019 Leftovers) by Realshaggy (solved on 9. March 2021, 11:22) | 216 | 78 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP79): Numberlink009 by cdwg2000 (solved on 9. March 2021, 10:32) | 86 | 80 %
| Triangular Aquarium by Menderbug (solved on 8. March 2021, 22:45) | 61 | 85 %
| Battleship Sudoku by KnotXaklyRite (solved on 8. March 2021, 21:45) | 4 | N/A
| Sudoku Variants Series (001) - Odd Sudoku by Richard (solved on 8. March 2021, 21:26) | 454 | 79 %
| Lea wandert von A nach B by hopppe (solved on 8. March 2021, 20:37) | 155 | 74 %