| Description | solved | Rating
 | This Sums to 11 by Blobz (solved on 23. June 2022, 09:37) | 229 |  97 %
 | Rule of Three (Diagonal Sudoku) by Sktx (solved on 22. June 2022, 03:40) | 58 |  89 %
 | Split (Double Arrow) by tallcat (solved on 22. June 2022, 02:56) | 37 |  95 %
 | Killer Convergence by riffclown (solved on 22. June 2022, 01:13) | 72 |  94 %
 | Purity by Chefofdeath (solved on 17. June 2022, 15:01) | 66 |  88 %
 | Hugs and Kisses by zegres (solved on 17. June 2022, 07:16) | 134 |  91 %
 | Questionable Lines (Region Sum Palindromes) by AnalyticalNinja (solved on 16. June 2022, 15:29) | 46 |  89 %
 | Lumen by troptot (solved on 16. June 2022, 07:06) | 46 |  95 %
 | Friendly Fire by Will Power (solved on 16. June 2022, 03:54) | 47 |  88 %
 | Tilting by SSG (solved on 16. June 2022, 01:56) | 45 |  100 %
 | Killer Squares by EricRathbun (solved on 15. June 2022, 22:07) | 75 |  94 %
 | CV by mormagli (solved on 15. June 2022, 19:45) | 40 |  90 %
 | Van de Graaff Generator by JeremyDover (solved on 15. June 2022, 14:24) | 71 |  92 %
 | Circuit Board by Malrog (solved on 15. June 2022, 05:23) | 28 |  95 %
 | Hook, Line, and Sinker (Collaboration with grkles) by Tyrgannus (solved on 15. June 2022, 03:12) | 43 |  93 %
 | Arrow Sudoku (SGP 2022 Round 6 leftover) by jinu1229 (solved on 15. June 2022, 00:10) | 79 |  93 %
 | Octets by jwsinclair (solved on 14. June 2022, 15:50) | 123 |  95 %
 | Palin by ICHTUES (solved on 14. June 2022, 06:41) | 79 |  95 %
 | A Killer - Killer Sudoku by Mr.Menace (solved on 13. June 2022, 22:54) | 171 |  93 %
 | Thermo Scissors by GBPack (solved on 13. June 2022, 06:05) | 36 |  92 %