| Description | solved | Rating
 | Almost Nothing by Lisztes (solved on 18. March 2022, 17:38) | 83 |  92 %
 | Anti Anti Extra (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 17. March 2022, 17:38) | 83 |  88 %
 | NASDAQ III by Geelow98 (solved on 16. March 2022, 23:12) | 40 |  87 %
 | Learn the Alphabet: E is for Entropy by Crusader175 (solved on 15. March 2022, 15:32) | 106 |  90 %
 | Ten Knights by FryTheGuy (solved on 14. March 2022, 19:18) | 126 |  97 %
 | Knighten by Testarossa (solved on 14. March 2022, 13:51) | 77 |  95 %
 | The Last Dance by wildhound007 (solved on 14. March 2022, 12:46) | 154 |  92 %
 | Secret Code by Arlo Lipof (solved on 12. March 2022, 23:28) | 70 |  88 %
 | Eye of the Storm by NickSchneider (solved on 27. January 2022, 18:03) | 31 |  97 %
 | Leaning Tower Of ZooZ by Joseph nehme (solved on 8. January 2022, 18:31) | 95 |  96 %
 | Battle With The Archers 11: Unity by Playmaker6174 (solved on 7. January 2022, 11:17) | 95 |  98 %
 | All Fifteens Given by Scruffamudda (solved on 7. January 2022, 02:20) | 76 |  87 %
 | To the 9s by apete (solved on 7. January 2022, 01:05) | 5 |  N/A
 | Tumble by vidarino (solved on 6. January 2022, 17:11) | 81 |  94 %
 | Up/Down by the_cogito (solved on 30. December 2021, 23:43) | 141 |  98 %
 | Dead Space (Entropy Killer) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 27. December 2021, 14:05) | 107 |  95 %
 | Anti-Knight Weirdity 2 by Jeet Sampat (solved on 4. December 2021, 22:49) | 63 |  93 %
 | Killer Nights by abed hawila (solved on 3. December 2021, 18:15) | 95 |  91 %
 | Erbium - Killer Arrow Sudoku by ___ (solved on 19. November 2021, 17:37) | 32 |  96 %
 | Multi-color Madness! by esotericVideos (solved on 17. November 2021, 16:38) | 28 |  95 %