| Description | solved | Rating
| Sudoku Variants Series (076) - Pyramidal Sudoku by Richard (solved on 12. May 2015, 08:42) | 135 | 87 %
| Der Rundweg des Elbschiffers by ibag (solved on 10. May 2015, 08:29) | 59 | 91 %
| 199265 G 225 G by zhergan (solved on 10. May 2015, 07:10) | 29 | 80 %
| 17--19 . 8-10 . 15--17 . by zhergan (solved on 6. May 2015, 15:00) | 47 | 85 %
| Spiegelkabinett 3 by usp (solved on 5. May 2015, 17:33) | 30 | 89 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (075) - Sum Sandwich by Richard (solved on 5. May 2015, 13:45) | 144 | 88 %
| Kropki Höhle II by tuace (solved on 4. May 2015, 17:23) | 54 | 96 %
| Kropki Höhle by tuace (solved on 3. May 2015, 15:20) | 66 | 97 %
| Codiertes Nurikabe by Pingu (solved on 1. May 2015, 18:43) | 67 | 79 %
| Hallig-Rundreise by tuace (solved on 1. May 2015, 16:43) | 43 | 100 %
| The sequence of Sheffield II - The curse by Eisbär (solved on 28. April 2015, 18:50) | 56 | 52 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (074) - Greater than Consecutive by Richard (solved on 28. April 2015, 18:42) | 146 | 89 %
| Kerzen mit Löchern by usp (solved on 26. April 2015, 13:08) | 44 | 86 %
| Loopki 0 by rob (solved on 25. April 2015, 17:08) | 50 | 91 %
| Sudoku-Fieber by ibag (solved on 24. April 2015, 17:44) | 46 | 98 %
| 2358 Tage Rätselportal by Luigi (solved on 22. April 2015, 09:56) | 30 | 89 %
| Überlappende Tapas (3) by BFaw (solved on 22. April 2015, 08:44) | 44 | 86 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (073) - Increasing Sudoku by Richard (solved on 21. April 2015, 17:41) | 141 | 90 %
| Wichtel 2014 (14 und Schluss): Durch den Zauberwald by wichtel (solved on 21. April 2015, 17:38) | 31 | 98 %
| Tapasyu 2358 by usp (solved on 21. April 2015, 14:48) | 48 | 94 %