| Description | solved | Rating
| Steamy Secrets by Flinty (solved on 2. October 2023, 03:04) | 408 | 93 %
| Winter Dance Puzzle by JohnGisMe (solved on 2. October 2023, 02:57) | 204 | 89 %
| Modern Art by Schma (solved on 1. October 2023, 21:45) | 104 | 92 %
| Jester by sdholmes (solved on 1. October 2023, 17:25) | 96 | 86 %
| Candy Apple by pieguy (solved on 1. October 2023, 16:50) | 110 | 93 %
| A maze in lines by Jolly Rogers (solved on 1. October 2023, 16:03) | 112 | 94 %
| Daylily by palpot (solved on 1. October 2023, 15:39) | 132 | 94 %
| Ratio Ring by Will Power (solved on 1. October 2023, 04:31) | 298 | 94 %
| Peripherals by ViKingPrime (solved on 1. October 2023, 03:11) | 151 | 90 %
| Four Leaf Clovers by sdholmes (solved on 1. October 2023, 02:46) | 150 | 90 %
| Whisper to my heart by Jolly Rogers (solved on 1. October 2023, 02:22) | 80 | 92 %
| Full Moon by dodomos (solved on 1. October 2023, 01:49) | 221 | 90 %
| Big Stubby Arrow by Flinty (solved on 1. October 2023, 01:33) | 317 | 92 %
| Blueberry Crop in the Fog by olima (solved on 1. October 2023, 01:02) | 608 | 91 %
| Golden Arrows by Razor (solved on 30. September 2023, 22:41) | 179 | 95 %
| Wrestlers and Referee by Will Power (solved on 30. September 2023, 22:32) | 161 | 91 %
| Vibrations (Killer, Thermo) by Niverio (solved on 30. September 2023, 22:03) | 127 | 95 %
| Grue by mathpesto (solved on 30. September 2023, 19:39) | 131 | 90 %
| You Want Lines? We've Got Lines! by HalfBakedLunatic (solved on 30. September 2023, 18:55) | 76 | 94 %
| Alpe Piazza by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 30. September 2023, 14:15) | 63 | 89 %