| Description | solved | Rating
| Killer in the Dark by Flinty (solved on 25. October 2023, 02:35) | 602 | 90 %
| Ich Bin Groot by Blobz (solved on 25. October 2023, 02:24) | 164 | 95 %
| Envelope by DadJokes (solved on 25. October 2023, 02:03) | 35 | 91 %
| [German Whispers + Renban] Scarab Evolution by Awedish (solved on 25. October 2023, 01:22) | 131 | 94 %
| Zippin' Me Softly by gdc (solved on 25. October 2023, 00:58) | 46 | 90 %
| Oscilloscope Wave Interference by Will Power (solved on 24. October 2023, 15:35) | 392 | 92 %
| Pointed by Jolly Rogers (solved on 23. October 2023, 02:21) | 51 | 94 %
| Fixing the Roof Under the Sun by Will Power (solved on 23. October 2023, 01:50) | 193 | 92 %
| Even Given by arbitrary (solved on 23. October 2023, 01:03) | 24 | 92 %
| Thermometer Antlers by EFlatMinor (solved on 22. October 2023, 12:51) | 358 | 90 %
| 159 1-9 by PDN777 (solved on 20. October 2023, 23:12) | 86 | 94 %
| Three O'Clock by shinggaming (solved on 20. October 2023, 16:25) | 115 | 93 %
| 159 RSL by Blobz (solved on 20. October 2023, 15:58) | 142 | 92 %
| 1-5-9 vs. 2:1 by meggen033 (solved on 20. October 2023, 15:07) | 43 | 86 %
| 159 Kropki by Blobz (solved on 20. October 2023, 01:17) | 155 | 95 %
| Pivot (159/German Whispers) by dumediat (solved on 20. October 2023, 00:58) | 129 | 93 %
| Sr. El like Killers by palpot (solved on 20. October 2023, 00:35) | 124 | 94 %
| Vacaville by glum_hippo (solved on 20. October 2023, 00:19) | 37 | 90 %
| King's Order by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 19. October 2023, 21:35) | 147 | 78 %
| A Totally Balanced Approach by gdc (solved on 19. October 2023, 21:25) | 263 | 96 %