| Description | solved | Rating
| 159 whispers by apc (solved on 4. October 2022, 15:57) | 289 | 91 %
| 25 by BonBonWolf (solved on 26. September 2022, 20:34) | 114 | 64 %
| Funfair Of Variants by The Colonel (solved on 22. September 2022, 02:24) | 52 | 83 %
| The Romans with their thermos by Renjestoo (solved on 19. September 2022, 04:09) | 146 | 78 %
| My first puzzle. by Nightmare2805 (solved on 14. September 2022, 20:32) | 88 | 80 %
| Super Arrows by Perladel (solved on 7. September 2022, 02:26) | 168 | 89 %
| Kropki Integration by Blobz (solved on 5. September 2022, 20:29) | 562 | 91 %
| Pass the Buck by Will Power (solved on 3. September 2022, 23:01) | 67 | 91 %
| Aroundoku (6x6) by AstralSky (solved on 3. September 2022, 21:51) | 22 | 93 %
| Mini Football by Hecspeed (solved on 2. September 2022, 23:56) | 147 | 88 %
| Quad Dots / Vierfache Punkte by PDN777 (solved on 27. August 2022, 15:36) | 223 | 88 %
| Serial Number (6x6 Sudoku, Renban) by kinnison (solved on 26. August 2022, 23:37) | 167 | 86 %
| Arithmetic Quiz by mnasti2 (solved on 22. August 2022, 20:21) | 746 | 95 %
| Smooth Flow by C.C. (solved on 17. August 2022, 02:40) | 112 | 54 %
| Highs and Lows by C.C. (solved on 16. August 2022, 00:29) | 105 | 38 %
| Small Tactics (Classic 6x6) by randomra (solved on 16. August 2022, 00:24) | 135 | 76 %
| Bug .. Snax by kinnison (solved on 16. August 2022, 00:18) | 332 | 82 %
| Joy by C.C. (solved on 10. August 2022, 23:56) | 123 | 39 %
| Ratio Sudoku #2 by kierownik (solved on 10. August 2022, 17:24) | 203 | 86 %
| 6x6 Variant Mix by Chris6765 (solved on 9. August 2022, 22:53) | 234 | 74 %