| Description | solved | Rating
 | Map to Ouroboros by MallowTheCloud (on 29. March 2021, 12:29) | 23 |  96 %
 | Ouroboros 2: Our Ouroborealis by MallowTheCloud (on 31. March 2021, 09:49) | 14 |  93 %
 | Ouroboros 3: Ouroborocide by MallowTheCloud (on 11. April 2021, 20:43) | 7 |  N/A
 | Ouroboros 4: A False Dichotomy by MallowTheCloud (on 13. April 2021, 08:32) | 8 |  N/A
 | Dark Ages Carnival by BMEP (on 15. April 2021, 07:00) | 111 |  96 %
 | A Miracle Reborn by matt383 (on 17. December 2021, 14:53) | 121 |  92 %
 | Coordinates Sudoku by stephane.bura (on 26. December 2021, 23:20) | 13 |  92 %
 | Azulejos by ndsurgenor (on 15. March 2022, 14:42) | 32 |  96 %
 | Little Killer Carpets by jackisaacbryan (on 18. March 2022, 14:24) | 9 |  N/A
 | Pierced Snake by andreasv (on 25. July 2022, 15:52) | 55 |  98 %
 | Dotting the I(ndice)s by SSG (on 13. August 2022, 07:08) | 34 |  93 %
 | Entropic Tree by Dathan (on 12. October 2022, 17:48) | 631 |  93 %
 | Nautilus (Entropic lines, XV, Kropki pairs) by Bellsita (on 9. November 2022, 01:49) | 803 |  94 %
 | Pirates on the Sudonean Sea by MarkV (on 18. January 2023, 20:08) | 16 |  88 %
 | Claws by ademjaz (on 25. January 2023, 18:19) | 115 |  96 %
 | Counterclockwise Killer by bodemeister (on 11. February 2023, 15:26) | 19 |  92 %
 | Magic 159 by shinggaming (on 25. February 2023, 21:11) | 53 |  93 %
 | Sailing with the pirates by sujoyku (on 27. February 2023, 20:29) | 261 |  87 %
 | Lost in Time, Like Tears in Rain by heliopolix (on 18. May 2023, 15:14) | 60 |  95 %
 | Diminishing Returns by ul-Rhymm (on 21. May 2023, 03:55) | 112 |  94 %