| Description | solved | Rating
 | Triple Trouble (5x5x3) [Region Sum, Dutch Whispers, Renban] by fractalJim (on 1. August 2024, 14:52) | 164 |  91 %
|  | Double Sums [Region Sum Lines, Double Arrows] by fractalJim (on 22. July 2024, 23:34) | 32 |  83 %
|  | Septa by fractalJim (on 20. July 2024, 14:56) | 336 |  92 %
|  | Dotty Alsatian [German Whispers, Black Dots] by fractalJim (on 15. July 2024, 13:28) | 65 |  81 %
|  | A Box of Sums [Double Arrows, Zipper Lines] by fractalJim (on 7. July 2024, 08:48) | 4 |  N/A
|  | Parity Sandwich Party [Sandwich, Parity, a Kropki Dot] by fractalJim (on 23. May 2024, 12:07) | 10 |  N/A
|  | Renner Bannab Inversion [Renban, Nabner, Circles (+/-) ] by fractalJim (on 16. May 2024, 12:21) | 21 |  89 %
|  | The Loops of Susurration [German Whispers, Dutch Whispers, Minimum] by fractalJim (on 10. May 2024, 14:36) | 53 |  86 %
|  | Hot Coffee Ring [Thermo, Quadrupule, Between Lines, Renban] by fractalJim (on 4. May 2024, 12:23) | 177 |  93 %
|  | Bubbling Entropic Whirlpool [Entropic Lines, Circles, Kropki Dots] by fractalJim (on 26. April 2024, 08:24) | 170 |  95 %
|  | 3 Musketeers [Modular Lines, Killer Cages] by fractalJim (on 21. April 2024, 11:23) | 194 |  92 %
|  | Nabner Flower by fractalJim (on 12. April 2024, 13:18) | 177 |  88 %
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