| Description | solved | Rating
 | 3-Layer-Cake / 3-Schicht-Torte Nr. 3 by DocLogic (on 25. November 2022, 12:06) | 126 |  93 %
 | PONG by DocLogic (on 20. November 2022, 00:35) | 105 |  91 %
 | CHALB - Masterword by DocLogic (on 6. November 2022, 16:47) | 67 |  84 %
 | MANUH - Masterword by DocLogic (on 4. November 2022, 18:00) | 80 |  85 %
 | ZORANT - Masterword by DocLogic (on 2. November 2022, 17:55) | 57 |  90 %
 | TRAMPOLIN - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (on 30. October 2022, 16:00) | 43 |  95 %
 | JOY by DocLogic (on 23. October 2022, 11:38) | 62 |  90 %
 | O by DocLogic (on 12. October 2022, 15:55) | 257 |  88 %
 | SHERLOCK HOLMES by DocLogic (on 7. October 2022, 17:48) | 27 |  90 %
 | LOVE by DocLogic (on 29. September 2022, 16:09) | 72 |  94 %
 | LT Sudoku by DocLogic (on 18. September 2022, 20:22) | 98 |  90 %
 | COCKTAIL - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (on 26. August 2022, 13:55) | 32 |  93 %
 | 4x6x6 Kombi Experiment Nr. 15 by DocLogic (on 12. August 2022, 12:01) | 65 |  90 %
 | TEXAS - Becher-Rätsel / Cup Puzzle by DocLogic (on 3. August 2022, 21:55) | 45 |  89 %
 | Who stole all the dots? #3 by DocLogic (on 14. July 2022, 20:50) | 120 |  91 %
 | FUN by DocLogic (on 2. July 2022, 01:23) | 78 |  93 %
 | DIFFICULT ? by DocLogic (on 4. June 2022, 12:35) | 160 |  95 %
 | GENIAL - Buchstabenrätsel / Letter Puzzle by DocLogic (on 24. May 2022, 20:49) | 31 |  98 %
 | Who stole all the dots? #2 by DocLogic (on 14. May 2022, 00:09) | 66 |  92 %
 | Who stole all the dots? #1 by DocLogic (on 7. May 2022, 00:42) | 104 |  95 %