| Description | solved | Rating
| Wessel Strijkstra (6x6 cipher killer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 17. October 2024, 18:53) | 9 | N/A
| 9-0 (curve data) by Aspartagcus (on 29. May 2024, 14:26) | 39 | 96 %
| 9-1 (curve data) by Aspartagcus (on 29. May 2024, 12:14) | 31 | 93 %
| 1-9? (curve data) by Aspartagcus (on 28. May 2024, 18:33) | 24 | 96 %
| 1-9 (curve data) by Aspartagcus (on 28. May 2024, 14:42) | 38 | 93 %
| Matrix of Loopy Fireworks by Aspartagcus (on 11. April 2024, 09:38) | 25 | 98 %
| Matrix of Loopy Fireworks Jr. by Aspartagcus (on 9. April 2024, 10:42) | 28 | 96 %
| Fillomino sudoku by Aspartagcus (on 26. March 2024, 13:39) | 108 | 95 %
| PIKOTARO - PPAP (cipher + numbered rooms sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 8. January 2024, 13:22) | 70 | 86 %
| Kalimba (slow thermometer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 28. December 2023, 13:19) | 245 | 95 %
| Zero G (arrow + kropki sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 10. October 2023, 09:38) | 70 | 95 %
| Butterfly (arrow sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 28. September 2023, 22:21) | 133 | 96 %
| Branches (arrow sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 12. September 2023, 13:44) | 67 | 94 %
| Fat X (little killer sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 9. March 2023, 18:46) | 91 | 95 %
| Unbreak My Heart (jigsaw loop puzzle) by Aspartagcus (on 8. March 2023, 20:28) | 6 | N/A
| Tetrisudoku by Aspartagcus (on 30. December 2022, 22:35) | 10 | 88 %
| Cupid's Arrows (German whispers + arrow sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 27. November 2022, 22:00) | 110 | 88 %
| Google Doodle (thermo fillomino) by Aspartagcus (on 20. November 2022, 07:11) | 93 | 94 %
| The Raven (region sum lines + cipher + x-sums sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 6. November 2022, 22:14) | 68 | 95 %
| ᗅᗺᗷᗅ - Mamma Mia (whispers + cipher + arrows sudoku) by Aspartagcus (on 24. October 2022, 11:24) | 57 | 89 %