| Beschreibung | gelöst | Bewertungen
 | The Time Has Come to Be a Minesweeper von Thorsby (am 22. November 2021, 19:56 Uhr) | 63 |  97 %
 | Somebody (Not Me, Somebody Else) Put Milk In My Nose von Thorsby (am 14. November 2021, 09:46 Uhr) | 8 |  N/A
 | Zero Is My Favourite Kind of Sandwich Clue von Thorsby (am 4. November 2021, 03:19 Uhr) | 7 |  N/A
 | Matilda the Amazing Enormous Palindrome Snake von Thorsby (am 27. Oktober 2021, 00:23 Uhr) | 3 |  N/A
 | Pattern Recognition von Thorsby (am 12. September 2021, 04:07 Uhr) | 7 |  N/A
 | A Bunch of Penguins and Camels Running All Over the Place von Thorsby (am 21. März 2021, 01:19 Uhr) | 3 |  N/A
 | Later, she knows, there'll be screaming and blood and tentacles bursting through the floor, but for now things are calm von Thorsby (am 9. März 2021, 20:50 Uhr) | 5 |  N/A
 | The Most Relentless Penguin von Thorsby (am 1. März 2021, 12:13 Uhr) | 9 |  N/A
 | 3 Star Star Battle: Skirmish in the Horsehead Nebula von Thorsby (am 3. September 2020, 00:01 Uhr) | 48 |  98 %
 | Turtle Sandwich Sudoku: Always 9 von Thorsby (am 20. August 2020, 18:16 Uhr) | 4 |  N/A
 | Turtle Sandwich Sudoku: Always 26 von Thorsby (am 19. August 2020, 14:46 Uhr) | 8 |  N/A
 | Turtle Sudoku 4s and 5s von Thorsby (am 16. August 2020, 07:29 Uhr) | 3 |  N/A
 | Turtle Sudoku 9s and 8s von Thorsby (am 14. August 2020, 08:41 Uhr) | 8 |  N/A
 | Turtle Sudoku 1s and 2s von Thorsby (am 12. August 2020, 09:24 Uhr) | 30 |  96 %